Getting Started

After having installed Visual Studio Code and the Coffee Break plugin (as described in Installation), you are ready to start taking notes.

Adding a folder to workspace

Choose File -> Add Folder to Workspace from the menu and select (or create) a folder on your local disk. Do this for all the folders you want to have in your workspace. When you’re done, I recommend saving the workspace with File -> Save Workspace As

Note: If you don’t need to have your notes in multiple folders (think “notebooks”), you can just use File -> Open and select a folder to open.

Create your first note

Press Ctrn-N (Cmd-N on Mac) and a new text file will open. Press Ctrl-S to save it in one of the folders in your workspace and be sure to give it a .md extension.

If you’re just experimenting, try pasting the text below, saving it and then selecting the Coffee Break icon in the left panel … see what happens ;)

# What to do next

- [ ] experiment with tasks
  - toggle a task by pressing `Alt-Enter `on a particular line
  - toggle task completion by pressing `Alt-D`
- [ ] experiment with assigning tasks
  - [ ] @Frenya this for example is a task assigned to user Frenya
  - to assign a task to a different user, just type `@` followed by any nickname you like (this is called "mention")
  - keep in mind that the owner mention must immediately follow the task brackets
  - when you hover over the mention a popup message will appear with information and possible actions
- [ ] experiment with due dates
  - type // to open the date selector and select due date
- [ ] preview the formatted Markdown by pressing `Ctrl-K` and then `V`
- [ ] if you like Coffee Break, give the extension a nice five star rating :)
- [ ] if you don't or if you miss something crucial, let me know at

For more details on task management in Coffee Break, see Managing Tasks.